
Ken-ichi Iso Researcher, LY Research
He received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in physics from the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in 1983 and 1985, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in engineering from the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in 2004. In 1986, he joined NEC Corporation, Japan, and was involved in research on automatic speech recognition. From 1990 to 1991, he was a Visiting Scientist at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, NJ. Since 2007, he has been with Yahoo Japan Corporation, where he engaged in research in speech recognition. He is a member of IEEE, ASJ, IEICE, and IPSJ.
- Model Averaging法を用いた音声認識のためのマルチGPU学習の高速化
- 吉澤 風希(東大), 磯 健一
- 日本音響学会2019年春季研究発表会
- March 05, 2019
- Multi Scale Feedback Connection for Noise Robust Acoustic Modeling
- Dung Tran, Ken-ichi Iso, Motoi Omachi, Yuya Fujita
- 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
- April 15, 2018
- LSTMを用いたキーワードスポッティング
- 増田 嵩志(東大), 張 豪逸(東京工業大), 磯 健一
- 日本音響学会2017年春季研究発表会
- March 15, 2017
- 音声認識におけるDeep Learningの活用
- 磯 健一
- 日本神経回路学会
- March 05, 2017
- Robust DNN-based VAD augmented with phone entropy based rejection of background speech
- Yuya Fujita, Ken-ichi Iso
- The 17th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association
- September 08, 2016
- 音素エントロピーを利用した背景発話に頑健なDNNに基づく音声区間検出
- 藤田 悠哉, 磯 健一
- 情報処理学会 第112回音声言語情報処理研究発表会
- July 21, 2016
- Speaker Adaptation of Deep Neural Networks Using a Hierarchy of Output Layers
- Ryan Price(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Ken-ichi Iso, Koichi Shinoda(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- 2014 Spoken Language Technology Workshop, IEEE
- December 08, 2014
- 「音声アシスト」の音声認識と自然言語処理の開発
- 磯 健一, 颯々野 学
- 情報処理学会 第98回音声言語情報処理情報学研究発表会
- January 01, 2013
- Improvements in Japanese Voice Search
- Ken-ichi Iso, Edward Whittaker(Inferret Ltd.), Tadashi Emori, Jumpei Miyake
- Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association
- September 01, 2012
- 日本語音声検索の改良
- 磯 健一, Edward Whittaker(Inferret Ltd.), 江森 正, 三宅 純平
- 日本音響学会2012年秋季研究発表会
- September 01, 2012