
Yusuke Tanaka Senior Data Analyst
In 2009, I joined Yahoo! JAPAN as a new graduate engineer. Subsequently, I transitioned from a data scientist role to working as a data analyst, focusing on data analysis for advertising products and advertising clients. From 2020 onwards, I have been involved in the launch and development of machine learning solutions in data marketing solutions. Currently, as a senior data analyst, I am leading a project on the automation of data analysis using Generative AI.
- コンテキスト広告におけるクリックログを用いた効率的な広告引き当て手法
- 田頭 幸浩, 堀田 徹, 田中 祐介, 小野 真吾, 塚本 浩司, 田島 玲
- 人工知能学会論文誌 Vol. 32(2017) No. 6
- November 01, 2017
- Filling Context-Ad Vocabulary Gaps with Click Logs
- Yukihiro Tagami, Toru Hotta, Yusuke Tanaka, Shingo Ono, Koji Tsukamoto, Akira Tajima
- The 20th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- August 31, 2014
- Translation Method of Contextual Information into Textual Space of Advertisements
- Yukihiro Tagami, Toru Hotta, Yusuke Tanaka, Shingo Ono, Koji Tsukamoto, Akira Tajima
- The 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web Companion
- April 01, 2014