
CONFERENCE (INTERNATIONAL) ChatGPT-EDSS: Empathetic Dialogue Speech Synthesis Trained from ChatGPT-derived Context Word Embeddings

Yuki Saito (The University of Tokyo), Shinnosuke Takamichi (The University of Tokyo), Eiji Iimori (The University of Tokyo), Kentaro Tachibana, Hiroshi Saruwatari (The University of Tokyo)

The 24th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2023)

August 20, 2023

We propose ChatGPT-EDSS, an empathetic dialogue speech synthesis (EDSS) method using ChatGPT for extracting dialogue context. ChatGPT is a chatbot that can deeply understand the content and purpose of an input prompt and appropriately respond to the user's request. We focus on ChatGPT's reading comprehension and introduce it to EDSS, a task of synthesizing speech that can empathize with the interlocutor's emotion. Our method first gives chat history to ChatGPT and asks it to generate three words representing the intention, emotion, and speaking style for each line in the chat. Then, it trains an EDSS model using the embeddings of ChatGPT-derived context words as the conditioning features. The experimental results demonstrate that our method performs comparably to ones using emotion labels or neural network-derived context embeddings learned from chat histories. The collected ChatGPT-derived context information is available at this https URL.

Paper : ChatGPT-EDSS: Empathetic Dialogue Speech Synthesis Trained from ChatGPT-derived Context Word Embeddingsopen into new tab or window (external link)