
CONFERENCE (INTERNATIONAL) Location History Knows What You Like : Estimation of User Preference from Daily Location Movement

Shinnosuke Wanaka(the University of Tokyo), Kota Tsubouchi

The 2nd EAI International Conference on IoT in Urban Space (EAI Urb-IoT 2016)

May 24, 2016

This paper describes that location log data is useful to estimate user preference and it is verified whether our hypothesis holds true. Two methods to recommend news articles using location log data are proposed. These methods are evaluated by actual application and then counting the number of articles that prove interesting to users compared with using and not using location log data. It is found that the best method for news article recommendation is the method, that labels location log data by Bayesian model "location hierarchical Dirichlet process" (LocHDP) and classifies users, thus demonstrating the usefulness of location log data in terms of news recommendation.

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