
CONFERENCE (INTERNATIONAL) Analyzing Web search queries of before and after purchase on e-commerce site

Yuka Kawada (Hyougo univ.), Takehiro Yamamoto (Hyougo univ.), Hiroaki Ohshima (Hyougo univ.), Yuki Yanagida (Tsukuba univ.), Makoto P. Kato (Tsukuba univ.), Sumio Fujita

The 25th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2023)

November 30, 2023

We investigated how Web search queries change before and after purchasing a product. We focused on the Web searchers who purchased cameras from an e-commerce site. First, we manually classified the words that characteristically appear during pre-purchase and postpurchase searches with cameras. From the manual classification, we found 14 intents. The intents include model number, evaluation, shipping, accessory, etc. Based on these intents we classified, we then analyzed when the words in each intent were used in queries before/after the purchase. Our analyses revealed that the users narrowed the search space with respect to the product as the user nears purchase.

Paper : Analyzing Web search queries of before and after purchase on e-commerce siteopen into new tab or window (external link)