JOURNAL (INTERNATIONAL) Elucidating ever-changing information needs for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake using web search queries
Akira Kodaka (Keio University, Chulalongkorn University), Akihiko Nishino (Keio University), Takashi Kanno (Keio University), Kaya Onda (Keio University), Kota Tsubouchi, Shingo Suzuki (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience), Shuji Yamaguchi, Naohiko Kohtake (Keio University)
Progress in Disaster Science
November 18, 2024
The Noto Peninsula Earthquake, which struck on January 1, 2024, caused significant damage to the Noto Peninsula and surrounding areas. This study aims to contribute to evidence-based rapid disaster response by identifying the information needs of affected areas through a data-driven approach. Specifically, the study focused on the two cities and two towns of the Oku-Noto region affected by the earthquake: Wajima City, Suzu City, Anamizu Town, and Noto Town. By scoring search queries based on anomalies and applying statistical processing such as standardized scores, kurtosis, and skewness, the study elucidated the evolving information needs of the disaster-affected areas. From January 1, 2024, to June 23, 2024, 15,107 search queries were extracted based on anomaly scoring. After screening out unnecessary data, 4,790 search queries were obtained. The search queries were categorized into five categories: “Hazard and situation,” “Logistics,” “Critical infrastructure,” “Coping and recovering,” and “Daily life.” The analysis revealed that there were two significant periods, around ten days and one month after the disaster, which marked distinct shifts in the quality of information needs. Furthermore, the study found that the information needs related to “Logistics,” particularly road and traffic information, were relatively high, with notable emphasis on the Noto Satoyama Kaido and Kanazawa Station.
Paper :
Elucidating ever-changing information needs for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake using web search queries
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