
CONFERENCE (INTERNATIONAL) Gaze-based Command Activation Technique Robust to Unintentional Activation using Dwell-then-Gesture

Toshiya Isomoto (University of Tsukuba), Shota Yamanaka, Buntarou Shizuki (University of Tsukuba)

Graphics Interface 2020 (GI2020)

May 21, 2020

We show a gaze-based command activation technique that is robust to unintentional command activations using a series of manipulation of dwelling on a target and performing a gesture (dwell-then-gesture manipulation).The gesture we adopt is a simple two-level stroke, which consists of a sequence of two orthogonal strokes.To achieve robustness to unintentional command activations, we design and fine-tune a gesture detection system based on how users move their gaze revealed through three experiments.Although our technique seems to just combine well-known dwell-based and gesture-based manipulations and to not be enough success rate, our work will enriches the vocabulary and make it equal to mouse-based interaction.

Paper : Gaze-based Command Activation Technique Robust to Unintentional Activation using Dwell-then-Gestureopen into new tab or window (external link)