
CONFERENCE (INTERNATIONAL) Modeling Movement Times and Success Rates for Acquisition of One-dimensional Targets with Uncertain Touchable Sizes

Hiroki Usuba (Meiji University), Shota Yamanaka, Homei Miyashita (Meiji University)

The 2021 ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference (ISS 2021)

November 14, 2021

In touch interfaces, a target, such as an icon, has two widths: the visual width and the touchable width. The visual width is the target's appearance, and the touchable width is the area in which users can touch a target and execute an action. In this study, we conduct two experiments to investigate the effects of the visual and touchable widths on touch pointing performance (movement time and success rate). Based on the results, we build candidate models for predicting the movement time and compare them by the values of adjusted R2 and AIC. In addition, we build a success rate model and test it through cross-validation. Existing models can be applied only to situations where the visual and touchable widths are equal, and we show that our refined model achieves better model fitness, even when such widths are different. We also discuss the design implications of the touch interfaces based on our models.

Paper : Modeling Movement Times and Success Rates for Acquisition of One-dimensional Targets with Uncertain Touchable Sizesopen into new tab or window (external link)