
CONFERENCE (INTERNATIONAL) "Japan LIVE Dashboard" for COVID-19: A Scalable Solution to Monitor Real-Time and Regional-Level Epidemic Case Data

Wei Su, Wei Fu, Kojuro Kato (Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics, Keio University), Zoie SY Wong (Graduate School of Public Health, St. Luke’s International University)

Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (Stud Health Technol Inform)

November 08, 2021

Under pandemic conditions, it is important to communicate local infection risks to better enable the general population to adjust their behaviors accordingly. In Japan, our team operates a popular non-government and not-for-profit dashboard project - "Japan LIVE Dashboard" - which allows the public to easily grasp the evolution of the pandemic on the internet. We presented the Dashboard design concept with a generic framework integrating socio-technical theories, disease epidemiology and related contexts, and evidence-based approaches. Through synthesizing multiple types of reliable and real-time local data sources from all prefectures across the country, the Dashboard allows the public access to user-friendly and intuitive disease visualization in real time and has gained an extensive online followership. To date, it has attracted c.30 million visits (98% domestic access) testifying to the reputation it has acquired as a user-friendly portal for understanding the progression of the pandemic. Designed as an open-source solution, the Dashboard can also be adopted by other countries as well as made applicable for other emerging outbreaks in the future. Furthermore, the conceptual design framework may prove applicable into other ehealth scaled for global pandemics.

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