
The main conference on the scientific analysis of mobile phone datasets (NetMob 2019) (INTERNATIONAL)

Received Poster Competition 2nd Prize

July 10, 2019

The following paper won the Poster Competition 2nd Prize at NetMob2019.

Understanding post-disaster population recovery patterns Takahiro Yabe (Purdue University), Kota Tsubouchi, Naoya Fujiwara (Tohoku University) , Yoshihide Sekimoto (University of Tokyo), Satish V. Ukkusuri (Purdue University) (external link)

Abstract: Recent large scale disasters have shown the existence of significant variance and disparity in recovery trajectories across cities and communities that experienced similar dam- age levels. With the increase in the availability of large mobility datasets including mobile phone call detail records, GPS logs, and social media posts, longitudinal observations of individual mobility have become possible. Studies have analyzed mobility patterns during and after various anomalous events. Despite such progress, such studies are fragmented and there is no general understanding on the population displacement and recovery patterns of communities across heterogeneous disasters and countries. In order to bridge this gap in the current literature, we analyzed large scale mobile phone GPS dataset from multiple disasters to 1) unravel the general patterns of recovery after different disasters across countries and 2) to identify key factors that explain such recovery patterns.