CONFERENCE (INTERNATIONAL) Effects of a Game on User Engagement of a Spoken Dialogue System
Hayato Kobayashi, Kaori Tanio, Manabu Sassano
the 16th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2015)
September 04, 2015
In this study, we examine the effects of
using a game for encouraging the use of
a spoken dialogue system. As a case
study, we developed a word-chain game,
called Shiritori in Japanese, and released
the game as a module in a Japanese Android/iOS
app, Onsei-Assist, which is a
Siri-like personal assistant based on a spoken
dialogue technology. We analyzed the
log after the release and confirmed that the
game can increase the number of user utterances.
Furthermore, we discovered a
positive side effect, in which users who
have played the game tend to begin using
non-game modules. This suggests that just
adding a game module to the system can
improve user engagement with an assistant
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