カンファレンス (国際) Effects of a Game on User Engagement of a Spoken Dialogue System
Hayato Kobayashi, Kaori Tanio, Manabu Sassano
the 16th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2015)
In this study, we examine the effects of
using a game for encouraging the use of
a spoken dialogue system. As a case
study, we developed a word-chain game,
called Shiritori in Japanese, and released
the game as a module in a Japanese Android/iOS
app, Onsei-Assist, which is a
Siri-like personal assistant based on a spoken
dialogue technology. We analyzed the
log after the release and confirmed that the
game can increase the number of user utterances.
Furthermore, we discovered a
positive side effect, in which users who
have played the game tend to begin using
non-game modules. This suggests that just
adding a game module to the system can
improve user engagement with an assistant
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