和地 瞭良 Akifumi Wachi LINEヤフー研究所 主任研究員
IBM東京基礎研究所を経てLINEヤフー株式会社で勤務。強化学習の理論と応用の研究に従事。特に、安全性に関する制約条件を課した強化学習に興味がある。著書(共著)に『強化学習から信頼できる意思決定へ』。博士(情報工学) 。詳細については、 (外部サイト)を参照。
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Flipping-based Policy for Chance-Constrained Markov Decision Processes
- Xun Shen (Osaka University), Shuo Jiang (Osaka University), Akifumi Wachi, Kazumune Hashimoto (Osaka University), Sebastien Gros (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
- The 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
- 2024.12.13
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Stepwise Alignment for Constrained Language Model Policy Optimization
- Akifumi Wachi, Thien Q. Tran, Rei Sato, Takumi Tanabe, Youhei Akimoto (University of Tsukuba)
- The 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
- 2024.12.11
- カンファレンス (国際)
- A Survey of Constraint Formulations in Safe Reinforcement Learning
- Akifumi Wachi, Xun Shen (Osaka University), Yanan Sui (Tsinghua University)
- The 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- 2024.8.3
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Model Predictive Control with Probabilistic Control Barrier Function
- Xun Shen (Osaka University), Akifumi Wachi, Wataru Hashimoto (Osaka University), Kazumune Hashimoto (Osaka University), Shigemasa Takai (Osaka University)
- 2024 American Control Conference
- 2024.7.10
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Long-term Safe Reinforcement Learning with Binary Feedback
- Akifumi Wachi, Wataru Hashimoto (Osaka University), Kazumune Hashimoto (Osaka University)
- Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- 2024.3.24
- ワークショップ (国際)
- Verbosity Bias in Preference Labeling by Large Language Models
- Keita Saito (University of Tsukuba), Akifumi Wachi, Koki Wataoka, Youhei Akimoto (University of Tsukuba)
- Workshop on Instruction Tuning and Instruction Following at NeurIPS 2023.
- 2023.12.16
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Safe Exploration in Reinforcement Learning: A Generalized Formulation and Algorithms
- Akifumi Wachi, Wataru Hashimoto (Osaka University), Xun Shen (Osaka University), Kazumune Hashimoto (Osaka University)
- The 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
- 2023.12.13