
論文誌 (国際) Technology survey and invalidity search: a comparative study of different tasks for Japanese patent document retrieval

Sumio Fujita

Information Processing and Management, Elsevier, volume 43, issue 5.


A comparative study of two types of patent retrieval tasks, technology survey and invalidity search, using the NTCIR-3 and -4 test collections is described, with a focus on pseudo-feedback effectiveness and different retrieval models. Invalidity searches are peculiar to patent retrieval tasks and feature small numbers of relevant documents and long queries. Different behaviors of effectiveness are observed when applying different retrieval models and pseudo-feedback. These different behaviors are analyzed in terms of the “weak cluster hypothesis”, i.e., terminological cohesiveness through relevant documents.

Paper : Technology survey and invalidity search: a comparative study of different tasks for Japanese patent document retrieval新しいタブまたはウィンドウで開く (外部サイト)