
ワークショップ (国際) Design of Distributed Storage Manager for Large-Scale RDF Graphs

Iztok Savnik(University of Primorska), Kiyoshi Nitta

The First International Workshop on Large-scale Graph Storage and Management (GraphSM 2014)


Storage and management of large-scale RDF repos- itories is a challange that may be compared to storage and management of large-scale HTML repositories. The main dif- ference is in the modelling power of RDF data model comparing it to HTML hyper-graph model. RDF is much closer to the database data model and requires the capabilities of database management system rather then those offered by informational retrieval query engine. Triple-based storage systems seem to provide the functionality needed for storing RDF graphs. Triples are very natural means for the representation of graphs at various levels of abstraction. To cope with growing demand for querying large-scale triple-stores including up to several Tera triples we propose the use of massively parallel system that can be dynamically configured for particular queries into a set of parallel data-flow machines. The paper presents the design of large-scale triple-store database system big3store

PDF : Design of Distributed Storage Manager for Large-Scale RDF Graphs