
論文誌 (国内) ウェブ検索ログからのカメラのオンライン購買行動予測

中田 祐誠 (兵庫県立大), 村本 直樹 (兵庫県立大), 山本 岳洋 (兵庫県立大), 藤田 澄男, 大島 裕明 (兵庫県立大)

人工知能学会論文誌特集号「Webインテリジェンスとインタラクション」 (JSAI Journal)


In this study, we propose a method to predict whether a web searcher will purchase a camera in near future based on his/her web search log. With the increasing popularity of online shopping at EC sites, more and more users are searching for products through web searches and actually purchasing them at EC sites. This indicates that, by analyzing the query log of a searcher, it is possible to predict whether the searcher will purchase the product in the near future. Therefore, we construct a classifier by collecting past web search query logs of searchers who have purchased cameras and those who have not purchased them. In the experiment, we used a web search query log of Yahoo! JAPAN and the product purchase histories of Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping to verify the results. We collected thousands of users who purchased cameras in a certain period and other users in the same number who didn’t purchase but issued queries related to cameras. By analyzing the classifier trained with the prepared dataset, we verify the accuracy of the prediction, the period of time required for the prediction, and whether there are any characteristic words that suggest the purchase.

Paper : ウェブ検索ログからのカメラのオンライン購買行動予測新しいタブまたはウィンドウで開く (外部サイト)