
カンファレンス (国際) ShiftTouch: Sheet-type Interface Extending Capacitive Touch Inputs with Minimal Screen Occlusion

Kaori Ikematsu, Kunihiro Kato (Tokyo University of Technology), Rei Kawakami (Tokyo University of Technology)

The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST2021)


We present ShiftTouch, a sheet-type passive interface that provides multiple inputs for capacitive touch surfaces with minimal screen occlusion. It consists of a conductive layer and a masking layer that partially insulates the conductive one. ShiftTouch uses multiple thin lines of electrodes to control the slight displacement of the touch position. The touch input is triggered under the electrodes when several adjacent electrodes are grounded simultaneously. Although each input area shares some electrodes with neighboring input areas, the touch surface can identify the inputs from each input area by detecting the slight displacement of the touch position. Our interface is simple yet effective in implementing multiple input areas while reducing screen occlusion compared to existing approaches that are using circular or rectangular electrodes.

Paper : ShiftTouch: Sheet-type Interface Extending Capacitive Touch Inputs with Minimal Screen Occlusion新しいタブまたはウィンドウで開く (外部サイト)