
ワークショップ (国際) KASYS at the NTCIR-16WWW-4 Task

Kota Usuha (Tsukuba univ.), Kohei Shinden (Tsukuba univ.), Makoto P. Kato (Tsukuba univ.), Sumio Fujita

The 16th NTCIR Conference Evaluation of Information Access Technologies (NTCIR-16)


The KASYS team participated in the English subtask of the NTCIR- 16 WWW-4 task. This paper describes our approach of generating NEW runs, and REV runs in the NTCIR-16 WWW-4 task. We applied BERT reading comprehension model to the WWW-4 task for generating NEW runs. We investigated the effectiveness of reading comprehension model in the ad-hoc Web document retrieval task. The evaluation results showed that our run outperformed the baseline in the gold relevance assessment for the four runs we submitted. The evaluation results of REV runs showed that our runs in WWW-3 still well performed in WWW-4.

Paper : KASYS at the NTCIR-16WWW-4 Task新しいタブまたはウィンドウで開く (外部サイト)