
カンファレンス (国際) Throughput and Effective Parameters in Crossing

Nobuhito Kasahara (Meiji University), Yosuke Oba (Meiji University), Shota Yamanaka, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger (Simon Fraser University), Homei Miyashita (Meiji University)

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023)


In pointing, Throughput TP is used as a performance metric of input device and operator. According to calculations of effective parameters (width We and amplitude Ae), TP should be independent of the speed-accuracy tradeoff. To examine the validity of TP and effective parameters in crossing, we conducted two experiments under the C/DC and C/AC tasks. We demonstrated that applying effective parameters to Fitts’ law model improved the fit to data with mixed biases in both tasks. Besides, we observed effective parameters smoothed TPs across biases. However, unlike pointing, TP was observed to be unstable across IDs in C/DC task, while was stable across IDs in C/AC task. Analyzing speed profiles showed that this was presumably due to that the C/DC task could be completed with a ballistic movement at low IDs, whereas it was impossible in the C/AC task.

Paper : Throughput and Effective Parameters in Crossing新しいタブまたはウィンドウで開く (外部サイト)