
山中 祥太 Shota Yamanaka LINEヤフー研究所 上席研究員
2016年に明治大学大学院にて博士号を取得(工学).2015年より日本学術振興会特別研究員DC2,2016年より日本学術振興会特別研究員PDおよび明治大学総合数理学部客員研究員を勤めたのち,2017年にヤフー株式会社に入社.2022年よりHuman-Computer Interactionチームリーダー,現在に至る.ユーザインタフェース研究,特に運動性能のモデル化に興味を持つ.情報処理学会,ACM各会員.
- その他 (国内)
- 実質的に無限大サイズを持つターゲットのポインティング:2025年大学入学共通テスト「情報I」問題の一考察
- 山中 祥太
- OSF Preprints
- 2025.2.4
- その他 (国際)
- Tappy Plugin for Figma: Predicting Tap Success Rates of User-Interface Elements under Development for Smartphones
- Shota Yamanaka, Hiroki Usuba, Junichi Sato, Naomi Sasaya, Fumiya Yamashita, Shuji Yamaguchi
- 2024.11.4
- カンファレンス (国際)
- 0.2-mm-Step Verification of the Dual Gaussian Distribution Model with Large Sample Size for Predicting Tap Success Rates
- Shota Yamanaka, Hiroki Usuba
- The 2024 ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference
- 2024.10.24
- 論文誌 (国際)
- Deciding to Stop Early or Continue the Experiment After Checking p-Values at Interim Points: Introducing Group Sequential Designs to UI-Based Comparative Studies
- Shota Yamanaka
- International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction
- 2024.10.9
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Verifying Finger-Fitts Models for Normalizing Subjective Speed-Accuracy Biases
- Shota Yamanaka, Hiroki Usuba, Yosuke Oba (Meiji University), Taiki Kinoshita (Meiji University), Ryuto Tomihari (Meiji University), Nobuhito Kasahara (Meiji University), Homei Miyashita (Meiji University)
- The ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction
- 2024.10.1
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Behavioral Differences between Tap and Swipe: Observations on Time, Error, Touch-point Distribution, and Trajectory for Tap-and-swipe Enabled Targets
- Shota Yamanaka, Hiroki Usuba, Junichi Sato
- The ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
- 2024.5.11
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Better Definition and Calculation of Throughput and Effective Parameters for Steering to Account for Subjective Speed-accuracy Tradeoffs
- Nobuhito Kasahara (Meiji University), Yosuke Oba (Meiji University), Shota Yamanaka, Anil Ufuk Batmaz (Concordia University), Wolfgang Stuerzlinger (Simon Fraser University), Homei Miyashita (Meiji University)
- The ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
- 2024.5.11
- カンファレンス (国際)
- The Effect of Latency on Movement Time in Path-steering
- Shota Yamanaka, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger (Simon Fraser University)
- The ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
- 2024.5.11
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Evaluating the Applicability of GUI-based Steering Laws to Virtual Reality Car Driving: A Case of Width-Changing Paths
- Masahiro Fukui (Meiji University), Takumi Takaku (Meiji University), Satoshi Nakamura (Meiji University), Shota Yamanaka
- Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2023
- 2024.5.10
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Eye-tracking AD: Cutting-Edge Web Advertising on Smartphone Aligned with User's Gaze
- Kota Tsubouchi, Kenta Taoka (the University of Tokyo), Kaori Ikematsu, Shota Yamanaka, Koya Narumi (the University of Tokyo), Yasuhiro Kawahara (the University of Tokyo)
- The 22nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
- 2024.4.22