
カンファレンス (国内) 株価掲示板情報の感情情報と株価との相関の研究

坪内 孝太, 山下 達雄

2015年度人工知能学会全国大会(第29回) (JSAI 2015)


This paper researches on correlation between stock price and Posi / Nega score from stock bulletin boards data. Most marketer consider the stock bulletin boards when they judge the stock action such as buy and sell. It means that valid information for estimating stock price are contained in the bulletin board. This paper focused on the Posi / Nega information of stock bulletin board and research the correlation between stock price and the data. The result of the test shows that the correlation are confirmed actually, and concludes that this method are useful for estimating the future stock price.

Paper : 株価掲示板情報の感情情報と株価との相関の研究新しいタブまたはウィンドウで開く (外部サイト)