
カンファレンス (国際) Risk Effects of Surrounding Distractors Imposing Time Penalty in Touch-Pointing Tasks

Shota Yamanaka

The 2018 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS 2018)


Optimal target size has been studied for touch-GUI design. In addition, because the degree of risk for tapping unintended targets significantly affects users' strategy, some researchers have investigated the effects of margins (or gaps) between GUI items and the risk level (here, a penalty time) on user performance. From our touch-pointing tasks in grid-arranged icons, we found that a small gap and a long penalty time did not significantly change the task completion time, but they did negatively affect the error rates. As a design implication, we recommend using 1-mm gaps to balance the space occupation and user performance. We also found that we could not estimate user performance by using Fitts' and FFitts' laws, probably because participants had to focus their attention on avoiding distractors while aiming for the target.

Paper : Risk Effects of Surrounding Distractors Imposing Time Penalty in Touch-Pointing Tasks新しいタブまたはウィンドウで開く (外部サイト)