
カンファレンス (国際) Relation between Dwell-time and Model Human Processor for Dwell-based Image Selection

Toshiya Isomoto (University of Tsukuba), Shota Yamanaka, Buntarou Shizuki (University of Tsukuba)

ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2021 (ACM SAP 2021)


In this paper, we investigate the relationship between the dwell-time and Model Human Processor. We first show an equation that can estimate the time taken for recognizing a designated image based on Model Human Processor. Through the experiment, we evaluate whether the equation can estimate the time well and the time estimated by the equation matches a user's preferred dwell-time. The experiment consists of two tasks: an image selection by a button (button-task) and an image selection by a dwell (dwell-task). From the result of the button-task, we found that the equation derived by Model Human Processor can estimate the time well; the time taken for button selection was 662ms on average and the time estimated by the equation was 660ms on average. Also, we showed this estimated time represented the user's preferred dwell-time; all participants in the experiment answered that 500ms and 600ms as the preferred dwell-time.

Paper : Relation between Dwell-time and Model Human Processor for Dwell-based Image Selection新しいタブまたはウィンドウで開く (外部サイト)