坪内 孝太 Kota Tsubouchi LINEヤフー研究所 上席研究員
2005年東京大学工学部卒業.2010年東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科博士課程修了.同年東京大学特任研究員.2012年よりYahoo! JAPAN研究所上席研究員.Yahoo! JAPAN研究所では人の行動ログ(位置情報,検索ログ,買い物履歴,センサーデータなど)に着目したデータ解析,機械学習の研究開発に従事.IEEE,ACM,情報処理学会,人工知能学会各会員.博士(環境学).
- 論文誌 (国際)
- Capturing Information Needs in Disaster Situations by using Temporal and Spatial Offset Learning (TSOL)
- Kota Tsubouchi, Shuji Yamaguchi
- Progress in Disaster Science
- 2024.12.19
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Revealing Universities’ Atmosphere from Visitor Interests Using Search Queries and GPS Logs
- Kaoru Miyanaga (Institute of Science Tokyo), Soto Anno (Institute of Science Tokyo), Kota Tsubouchi, Masamichi Shimosaka (Institute of Science Tokyo)
- 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data
- 2024.12.15
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Are Crowded Events Forecastable from Promotional Announcements with Large Language Models?
- Soto Anno (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Dario Tenore (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich), Kota Tsubouchi, Masamichi Shimosaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- The 32nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
- 2024.11.25
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Congestion Forecast for Trains with Railroad-Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning using Sparse Passenger Reports
- Soto Anno (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Kota Tsubouchi, Masamichi Shimosaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- The 32nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
- 2024.11.25
- 論文誌 (国際)
- Predicting Individual Irregular Mobility via Web Search-Driven Bipartite Graph Neural Networks
- Jiawei Xue (Purdue University), Takahiro Yabe (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Kota Tsubouchi, Jianzhu Ma (Tsinghua University), Satish V. Ukkusuri (Purdue University)
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
- 2024.11.21
- 論文誌 (国際)
- Elucidating ever-changing information needs for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake using web search queries
- Akira Kodaka (Keio University, Chulalongkorn University), Akihiko Nishino (Keio University), Takashi Kanno (Keio University), Kaya Onda (Keio University), Kota Tsubouchi, Shingo Suzuki (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience), Shuji Yamaguchi, Naohiko Kohtake (Keio University)
- Progress in Disaster Science
- 2024.11.18
- その他 (国内)
- LLMによるシーン中の物体の形容記述を用いた景観画像の印象予測
- 井手 海翔 (東京科学大学), 安納 爽響 (東京科学大学), 坪内 孝太, 下坂 正倫 (東京科学大学)
- 情報処理学会ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム研究会
- 2024.11.11
- カンファレンス (国際)
- DisasterNeedFinder: Understanding the Information Needs in the Noto Earthquake
- Kota Tsubouchi, Shuji Yamaguchi, Keijirou Saitou (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), Akihisa Soemori (NHK Global Media Servises), Masato Morita (NHK Global Media Servises), Shigeki Asou (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
- The 32nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
- 2024.10.29
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Deep Learning-Based Compressed Sensing for Mobile Device-Derived Sensor Data
- Liqiang Xu (The University of Tokyo), Yuuki Nishiyama (The University of Tokyo), Kota Tsubouchi, Kaoru Sezaki (The University of Tokyo)
- The 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
- 2024.10.24
- その他 (国際)
- Congestion Forecast for Trains with Railroad-Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning using Sparse Passenger Reports
- Soto Anno (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Kota Tsubouchi, Masamichi Shimosaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- 2024.10.23
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Investigating Acceptable Voice-based Notification Timings through Earable Devices: A Preliminary Field Study
- Manaka Ito (The University of Tokyo), Kota Tsubouchi, Nobuhiko Nishio (Ritsumeikan University), Masamichi Shimosaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Akihito Taya (The University of Tokyo), Kaoru Sezaki (The University of Tokyo), Yuuki Nishiyama (The University of Tokyo)
- The 2024 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing
- 2024.10.18
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Improving Coverage and Accuracy in Visible Light Positioning through Ceiling Reflection Modeling
- Shota Shimada, Hiroaki Murakami (The University of Tokyo), Ryo Tabata (Hokkaido University), Kota Tsubouchi, Takuya Sasatani (The University of Tokyo), Yoshihiro Kawahara (The University of Tokyo), Masanori Sugimoto (Hokkaido University)
- The 14th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
- 2024.10.15
- その他 (国際)
- DisasterNeedFinder: Understanding the Information Needs in the 2024 Noto Earthquake (Comprehensive Explanation)
- Kota Tsubouchi, Shuji Yamaguchi, Keijirou Saitou (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), Akihisa Soemori (NHK Global Media Servises), Masato Morita (NHK Global Media Servises), Shigeki Asou (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
- 2024.9.11
- 論文誌 (国際)
- Enhancing human mobility research with open and standardized datasets
- Takahiro Yabe (New York University), Massimiliano Luca (Fondazione Bruno Kessler), Kota Tsubouchi, Bruno Lepri (Fondazione Bruno Kessler), Marta C. Gonzalez (University of California), Esteban Moro (Northeastern University)
- Nature Computational Science
- 2024.7.3
- 論文誌 (国際)
- Forecasting Lifespan of Crowded Events With Acoustic Synthesis-Inspired Segmental Long Short-Term Memory
- Soto Anno (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Kota Tsubouchi, Masamichi Shimosaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- IEEE Access
- 2024.6.25
- カンファレンス (国際)
- Towards Estimating UV Index with a Smartphone Utilizing GNSS Signals as a Point Cloud
- Subaru Atsumi (The University of Tokyo), Riku Ishioka (The University of Tokyo), Kota Tsubouchi, Yuuki Nishiyama (The University of Tokyo), Kaoru Sezaki (The University of Tokyo)
- The 22nd ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services
- 2024.6.19
- ワークショップ (国内)
- Exploring Passive Activity Recognition using Multi-shot UWB CIRs
- Han Lin (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Atsushi Nomura (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Kota Tsubouchi, Nobuhiko Nishio (Ritsumeikan University), Masamichi Shimosaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- 情報処理学会ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム研究会
- 2024.6.5
- ワークショップ (国内)
- イベント告知情報と大規模言語モデルに基づくイベント会場周辺の早期群衆混雑予報
- 安納 爽響 (東京工業大学), 坪内 孝太, 下坂 正倫 (東京工業大学)
- 情報処理学会ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム研究会
- 2024.6.5
- ワークショップ (国内)
- 常時装着型イヤラブルデバイス利用環境における音声通知タイミング最適化に向けた基礎検討
- 伊藤 愛香 (東京大学), 坪内 孝太, 西尾 信彦 (立命館大学), 下坂 正倫 (東京工業大学), 田谷 昭仁 (東京大学), 瀬崎 薫 (東京大学), 西山 勇毅 (東京大学)
- 情報処理学会ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム研究会
- 2024.6.5
- 論文誌 (国際)
- YJMob100K: City-scale and longitudinal dataset of anonymized human mobility trajectories
- Takahiro Yabe (New York University), Kota Tsubouchi, Toru Shimizu, Yoshihide Sekimoto (The University of Tokyo), Kaoru Sezaki (The University of Tokyo), Esteban Moro (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Alex Pentland (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Scientific Data
- 2024.4.23